Dimarco, D., Laursen, S.J., & Fiacconi, C.M. (In Prep). Examining design effects in errorful generation.
Laursen, S.J., & Fiacconi, C.M. (In Prep). Becoming fluent overnight: Long-lasting effects of perceptual fluency on metamemory judgments
Laursen, S.J., Powers, E., Undorf, M., & Fiacconi, C.M. (In Prep). Performance cues dominate metamemory judgments.
Laursen, S.J., & Risko, E.F. (In Prep). Examining the nuances of metacognitive control and their interpretation in learning.
Churey, K.R., Laursen, S.J., & Fiacconi, C.M. (In Revision). Re-examining metamemory reactivity through the lens of the item-order account.
Laursen, S.J., Fiacconi, C.M. (2024). Probing the effect of perceptual (dis)fluency on metacognitive judgments. Memory & Cognition
Laursen, S.J., & Fiacconi, C.M. (2024). Examining adaptations in study time allocation and restudy selection as a function of expected test format. Metacognition and Learning. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11409-024-09373-2
Laursen, S.J., Farrell, B.C.T., & Fiacconi, C.M. (2024). On the cost and benefits of restudying: Exploring the list strength effect in self-guided learning. Memory, 32(2), 197-222.
Laursen, S.J., Wammes, J.D., & Fiacconi, C.M. (2023). Examining the effect of expected test format and test difficulty on the frequency and mnemonic costs of mind wandering. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1177/17470218231187892
Laursen, S.J., & Fiacconi, C.M. (2021). Constraints on the use of the memorizing effort heuristic. Metacognition and Learning, 17(1), 1-51. https://rdcu.be/cCwtK
Laursen, S.J., & Fiacconi, C.M. (2021). Examining the effect of list composition on monitoring and control processes in metamemory. Memory & Cognition, 49(3), 498-517. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13421-020-01107-4
Fiacconi, C.M, Mitton, E.E., Laursen, S.J., & Skinner, J. (2020). Isolating the contribution of perceptual fluency to judgments of learning (JOLs): evidence for reactivity in measuring the influence of fluency. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition, 46(5), 926-944. https://doi.org/10.1037/xlm0000766